You put your food in a box, it shoots out some invisible rays and you get your food all baked, grilled, cooked or boiled, ready to be enjoyed.
There is hardly an appliance in your kitchen more constructive than the microwave. However, even a simple process like steaming your veggies in the microwave should be done in a proper way to get the best of a vegan diet.
The main goal of steaming vegetables in the microwave is to cook the vegetables lightly. This is done until the raw taste is gone and before the veggies start turning mushy. Follow this simple-step procedure to steam the vegetables the right way:
- Place your vegetable in a single surface layer on a microwave-safe plate.
- Cover the vegetables with a layer of damp paper towel
- Start microwaving for around 2 to 6 minutes until the veggies are tender
- Turn off the microwave, take out the veggies and enjoy