Best Methods to Tenderize a Tough Steak

Photo by José Ignacio Pompé on Unsplash

The easiest way to get yourself a tasty and tender steak is to buy the best cuts of meat. However, if this isn’t an option, you can also get by with a budget cut. But in this case, you will need to do the prep work and tenderize it. Here are some of the best methods you can use to tenderize a tough steak.


Perhaps the most efficient method is to marinate the steak well before you cook it. Marinade, like lemon juice, vinegar, and buttermilk, will help break down the proteins in the meat, which will result in a tenderer cut. The longer you leave it marinating, the better results you’ll get.

Meat Tenderizer

To get faster results, you can pound the steak using a meat tenderizer. Simply wrap the steak in plastic wrap and start hammering. This method will also make the steak thinner, allowing for more even cooking.


If you don’t have anything else to use, then salting the steak generously and rubbing the salt in will also help. Leave the salted steak to rest for at least an hour before cooking it. The salt will break down the protein cells, and you will have a nicely seasoned steak as a bonus.