Best Kitchen Tools For Reducing Food Waste

Reducing food waste
Photo by Ella Olsson on Unsplash

Research has shown that every household throws away around 30 percent of their food, which means that millions of tons of food end up in a landfill every year. Food waste is one of the biggest environmental issues and there are plenty of things we can do to solve it. Here are some useful kitchen items that will help you reduce food waste in your home.

A Vacuum Sealer

Freezing your food and leftovers is by far the best way to reduce food waste at home, and having a vacuum sealer will make this process easier and safer.

Compost Bin

Composting is a great way to reduce your environmental impact and to put food waste to some good use if you can’t reuse all food scraps.


Having a juicer in the kitchen can be very useful for reducing food waste, because you can easily juice leftover fruits and veggies instead of letting them go to waste.

Bread Box

Bread boxes are definitely worth the investment because they can keep bread fresh longer and therefore they’re good for reducing food waste.

Mason Jars

Don’t throw away mason jars, because they’re probably one of the most versatile items in your kitchen. Use them for storing dry or pickled food, nut butters, leftovers, salad dressings or drinking smoothies and juices.