Barbecuing Fish Isn’t as Complicated as You Think

BBQ fish
Photo by Adrian Infernus on Unsplash

Summertime usually involves a lot of outdoor cooking. Burgers and sausages always go down well, but don’t exclude fish from that category. Grilling fish gives it a signature smoky flavor and cooks quickly enough that you won’t have to let your mouth water for too long.

Select Your Swimmer

Fish that is on the firmer side holds up better on the grill, so go for something like salmon, tuna, or swordfish. Filleted pieces work best and you can leave the skin on if you’re concerned about the fish falling apart. Try to keep the pieces at a uniform thickness to ensure that they don’t overcook.

Add Some Flavor

Just like meat, fish benefits from being marinated. Place the pieces in a citrus-based marinade for 15-30 minutes before cooking to allow the flavors to infuse. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different spices and herbs, garlic, and citrus slices.


As a general rule, you want to cook the fish for about 4-6 minutes per side for every ½ inch of thickness. For thicker cuts, use indirect heat by placing the fish to the side of the heat source. However, direct heat is fine for thinner cuts. Once cooked, let the fish rest for a few minutes before serving.