Authentic Fettuccine Alfredo is NOT What You Think

Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

When you think of fettuccine alfredo, your mind probably immediately goes to the Americanized version. That is, you probably think of thick and creamy alfredo sauce that sits heavy in the stomach. In the United States, you can get this sauce from a jar or at a restaurant, and they will all give you a version of the same thing. It’s a thick white sauce, made of heavy cream, parmesan cheese, butter, garlic, and black pepper. It’s delicious, but it’s not what the Italians originally did when they created the dish!

Did you know that real authentic Italian fettuccine alfredo isn’t nearly as thick? That’s because it’s made with extremely simple ingredients–well, really only two! That’s right, it’s so easy to make the authentic version you don’t even need to think about getting it out of the far. Not to mention, it sits way less heavy in the stomach after eating a bowl of it. 

So what are these two simple ingredients? Butter and parmesan cheese! Yes, the meal that you might’ve eaten as a kid, or maybe you eat it now as a comfort dish. Pasta with melted butter and parmesan cheese is the original fettuccine alfredo. If this isn’t your sign to simply your home meals and call them, “authentic”, we don’t know what is! Sometimes simple, easy recipes are even more delicious!