Ashlea Carver Adams’ Soups Are a Warm Delight

Soup is one of the ultimate comfort foods and it’s basically a food version of a warm hug. If you enjoy eating this delicious dish on a daily basis and want to experiment with some new recipes, head to Ashlea Carver Adams’ blog All the Healthy Things for some tasty inspiration.

Lasagna Soup

If you enjoy lasagna and soup in equal measure, it’s time to try a tasty recipe that mixes these two dishes into one. In addition to being incredibly tasty, this is one of the most filling soups, and the cheesy topping makes it even more irresistible.

Zuppa Toscana Soup

Adams is a true master when it comes to soups inspired by Italian cuisine. This is her take on the classic Zuppa Toscana, but her recipe happens to be dairy-free.

Red Curry Chicken Soup

Adams’ blog is overflowing with amazing recipes for chicken soups, and this one happens to be one of the very best. It’s a perfect fit for people who enjoy soups with a little bit of spice because red curry paste happens to be one of the main ingredients.

Creamy Ham and Potato Soup

Potato soups are never going out of style, and the list of ingredients you can put inside is pretty much endless. Adams opted for some cooked ham and veggies this time around.