Are You Using Your Microwave Right?

Photo by Lisa Fotios from Pexels

A microwave is a convenient appliance which you can find in any home. Using a microwave saves you a lot of time and effort but what most people don’t known that they’re actually using it wrong. Using your microwave properly will not only ensure that your appliance is well maintained, it will make your food healthier so read on for some of the common mistakes to avoid:

You only make use of the highest power setting

Only using the highest power setting to cook or heat up your food more often than not leads to uneven cooking/heating. Many think that using the highest setting means a speedy heating/cooking process but that’s simply not true. It’s actually important to change the power setting of your microwave the same way you would change your oven’s temperature. Try using a mid-heat setting and keep the food in the microwave for longer so it will cook at an even pace. This is are to bring you better results.

You only use square containers

Although most microwave-safe containers are square-shaped, it’s better to use round containers when heating food in the microwave. This will ensure that you heat or cook your food evenly. In general you should avoid heating food in plastic containers as the high temperatures can make the plastic melt and emit chemicals. Try using glass containers instead. If you still opt for plastic, make sure the containers are microwave-safe.

You add salt to the food too early

Apparently, when you do this, the salt attracts the heat generated by the microwave. This, in turn, would make the surface of your food dry.

You cover the food with plastic wrap

Just like non-microwave-safe plastic containers, plastic wrap contains harmful chemicals. If you want to cover the food to prevent a mess, use the container’s top or a moist paper towel.