All You Need for These Delicious Smoothies is 3 Ingredients

Photo by Denis Tuksar on Unsplash

There’s a reason why smoothies are a classic breakfast or snack. They provide a healthy punch of fruit and veggie nutrients. They are super quick and easy to make and consume. And if you use one of the following recipes, you can make them with only three ingredients!

Tangerine Pineapple Banana

If you’re craving a bit of the tropics, this smoothie will hit the spot. All you need is two tangerines (peel and segment them first), half a cup of frozen pineapple, and a frozen banana. Toss them in a blender with a cup of your liquid of choice (water works fine!) until it reaches your desired consistency. Yum!

Banana Blueberry Chocolate

If you like your smoothies rich and chocolatey, you’ll enjoy the smooth flavor of this one. It requires one large sliced banana, a cup of blueberries, and a tablespoon of cocoa powder blended with your liquid of choice. A milk or non-dairy milk will be a great choice to give this smoothie creaminess.

Cherry Blueberry Kale

This one is for the health nuts who want to sneak a few of those dark leafy greens into their breakfast for a power-dose of nutrients. Make it with a cup of washed kale, a cup of pitted cherries, and a cup of frozen blueberries. Blend with a cup of your liquid of choice. You can use a protein shake if you want to really go all in on the healthfulness.