Adding Color To Your Salad Can Take It Over The Top

Photo by Anna Pelzer on Unsplash

As we try to incorporate salad more into our lives, we try to take every avenue of advantage we can get. Let’s be real, salad can get kind of boring sometimes, and we certainly can get swayed by the other tasty foods around us. So in order to stay strong, we need to find ways to make our salads seem even more interesting and more delicious. Here’s why adding extra color to your salad is one great way to do this.

We’re Suckers For Visuals

One reason why adding color into our salad is helpful is because we’re suckers for visuals. We as humans are naturally drawn to bright, vivid colors, in whatever shape or form they come. This is true for salads too, which is why you should be adding veggies such as green, red, and orange pepper into it, along with corn, black olives, and every other colorful veggie you can think of.

Different Colors Taste Different

When things have different colors, they don’t just look different. They taste different too. Thus, if you add more color into your salad, it’s pretty much inevitable that your salad is going to taste versatile and dynamic. You might find that it’s the most delicious salad you’ve ever tasted!