Add These Vegetables to Your Diet to Fight Inflammation

Photo by Tim Meyer | @timm.jpeg on Unsplash

Inflammation is a problem that affects many of our bodies. From sore joints to skin inflammation, many of us spend time looking for ways to solve these problems which make life uncomfortable and a real pain at times.

Fortunately, adding certain foods to your diet can help reduce inflammation. Here are three vegetables which you should think about incorporating ASAP in order to feel better.


Tomatoes are a powerful anti-inflammatory food, containing two powerful anti-inflammation nutrients in Vitamin C and lycopene. In fact, tomatoes are about 80% of the source of lycopene in a typical diet!


Whether fresh in a salad or cooked as a side dish, spinach has plenty of components that will help reduce inflammation in your body. Beta-carotene and Vitamin A are found in large quantities in spinach, making this vegetable a powerful ally in the fight against inflammation.

Bell Peppers

The antioxidant quercetin, along with sinapic and ferulic acid, are the main components of bell peppers’ nutritional composition which makes them a great choice for an anti-inflammatory diet which can help you start feeling better in a jiffy.