A Crash Course In Making Sourdough Bread

Photo by Macau Photo Agency on Unsplash

Making sourdough bread can be both incredibly complicated and super simple. If you’re looking for an hour-long essay about how to make the perfect sourdough, this article isn’t for you. But if you’re looking for an egregiously basic overview of how it’s done, then let’s dive on in!

Making Your Starter

In order for you to make sourdough, you’ll need your sourdough starter. In order to make it, mix about 50 grams of flour with 50 grams of water, and then seal it tightly in a jar. 24 hours later, add another 50 grams of flour and water. Proceed to repeat that step every 24 hours for one whole week, until at the end of the week you have yourself a large jar of bubbling, murky sourdough starter.

Mix It Up

Once you’ve got your starter, mix it with another 800 grams of flour and 450 grams of water. Knead the dough until it has a smooth and resilient texture. Leave it out to rise for about three hours.

You’ll then want to knead your dough some more and shape it to how you’ll want it to look. When you’ve done that, wait an additional three and a half hours, and then stick it in the oven at 450 Fahrenheit. Wait around 30 to 40 minutes, take it out, and you’re done! See, we told you that was easy.