Have You Tried Putting Broccoli in Your Coffee?

Photo by Christiana Rivers on Unsplash

People put many different things in their coffee. Some of them are common, like dairy milk, plant-based milk, or cinnamon, while others are a bit more experimental and can even seem weird at first. Broccoli seems like the type of food you’d never mix with coffee, and yet the combination of the two one of the biggest food innovations at the moment.

The scientists who work at CSIRO, Australia’s main research organization, came up with a broccoli powder that can help people get their daily nutrients and prevent food waste. The powder is made from whole broccoli, using a few different processes that help it keep its original color, flavor, and nutrients.

This powder can be used in many different foods and drinks, including coffee. Two tablespoons equal to a recommended daily serving of vegetables and can be a great way to make sure you’re meeting the daily requirement. This is perfect for people who don’t like vegetables as the taste can easily be masked with other foods.

The powder isn’t available in stores yet, but it was tested in one cafe in Melbourne. The feedback was mixed, as many people would still rather have their greens over lunch and drink their coffee without vegetables in it.