7 Ways to Increase Your Water Intake

One of the absolute healthiest things we can do is drink more water. It’s good for weight loss, great for the skin, improves our digestion, strengthens our immune system, and generally promotes a healthy life. For some people, simply having to drink a large amount of water feels like a difficult chore, so we thought we’d suggest some creative ways to hydrate.

Herbal Tea

This is a great solution particularly for the winter, or if you’re trying to switch your coffee intake with water intake. Herbal teas are basically water with a brewed infusion, perfect!


Fruits and Vegetables

Some fruits and vegetables are very high in water content, eat more of them to help with your hydration.


Throw a slice of lemon or orange, or some berries into your water. It will liven up the taste.

Sparkling Water

This does not mean soda or anything sweetened. Carbonated water are good to diversify your drinking.

A Fun Bottle

For busy people, it might be difficult to get up to fill your glass very often, so buy yourself a large bottle with a fun design and set it on your desk for the day.

Eat More Spicy Food

This will make you want more water naturally.