5 Water-Rich Vegetables You Should Be Eating This Summer

Drinking water is not the only way to stay properly hydrated, and foods on your menu can play an equally important role. Some of the tastiest veggies on the market have extremely high water content, and here’s a couple you should be eating this summer.


Tomatoes get a lot of love for their delicious sweet flavor, but did you know they can contain up to 95% water?


Okra is an extremely nutritious veggie that deserves more love. In addition to being water-rich, it can help you manage your blood sugar, and it can be eaten in many different ways.


Cucumbers are one of the most popular veggies on the market, and if you enjoy consuming them on a daily basis, make sure to keep it up in the summer.


Radishes come with a long list of benefits, and they’re much more versatile than you think. You can use them to top your sandwiches and burgers, add them to your salads, or eat them steamed or raw.


Zucchini is another water-rich veggie that needs no special introduction since it’s one of the staples of the vegan diet.