5 Ingredients You Should Avoid Adding to Your Healthy Smoothies

Smoothies are often considered the ultimate healthy food, but that’s not necessarily always the truth. The ingredients you add can make or break your smoothie, and here are five you should avoid if you want to keep them healthy.


Fruits will provide all the sweetness your smoothie needs, and you’re not doing yourself any favor by adding sugar and other artificial sweeteners to the mix.

Canned Fruit

Stick to fresh or frozen fruits and veggies when it comes to smoothies because canned fruit is packed with syrup and it contains a lot of sugar.

Ice Cream

Ice cream is another popular smoothie ingredient that’s packed with sugar. If you want to make your smoothie cold and refreshing just opt for ice or frozen fruits instead.


If you need to add liquid to your smoothie, stick to water and skip the juice. Many store-bought brands contain artificial sweeteners and they’re best avoided.

Flavored Yogurt

Flavored yogurt should be avoided for the same reason as juice, especially since plain yogurt happens to be a much better and healthier option.