5 Healthy Foods to Avoid if You Want to Lose Weight

Healthy food that doesnt help you lose weight
Photo by Olia Nayda on Unsplash

Losing weight is a tricky task. It requires you to completely change your lifestyle and food habits, but sometimes even that won’t be enough. One of the reasons for this might be the fact that some of the healthy food you’re eating instead of chicken wings and chocolate is holding you down. A substantial amount of food perceived as healthy isn’t actually helpful for weight loss due to its high calories, sugar, and carbohydrates. Check out five healthy foods to avoid if you want to lose weight below. 

Fruit Juices

It is hard to see fruit juice as a villain due to the numerous health benefits that they bring. And while that is true, drinking them won’t get you closer to your desired weight.

Most store-bought fruit juices have low fruit content and are spiked with sugar for better taste. And even if you make one at home from real fruit, you are still not doing yourself a favor. Juicers rob you of the fruit’s healthy fiber and leave you with fruit sugar in liquid form.


Granola seems like perfectly healthy food. It has lots of fiber, vitamins, and minerals while also being tasty. But did you know that taste comes from added sugar and butter?

If you want to live a healthy lifestyle, then granola is a great substitute for cereals. But if you want to lose weight, we recommend avoiding it.

Peanut Butter

Peanut butter can’t be bad as it’s just peanuts, right? Well, not quite. Peanut butter is packed with calories, which is why you should limit yourself when trying to lose weight. Also, the store-bought versions usually contain added sugar, making it an even worse choice for people trying to lose weight.

Protein Bars

Protein bars are marketed as a healthy substitute for chocolates and a great way to get your protein needs for the day. What most manufacturers “forget” to tell you is that their protein bars are full of sugar and additives that put them in the same range as candy bars.

If you want to find a truly good protein bar, make sure to look for those with low calories count and a short ingredients list that has no sugar.

Salad Toppings

Salad can be your ally in the weight loss battle, but only if you don’t mess with it too much. While toppings like dressings, croutons, and nuts can make it taste better, they will also substantially add to the calories count and negate everything you tried to achieve.