5 Delicious Matcha Recipes from Mei Yee’s Instagram

Mei Yee is one of the most popular plant-based bloggers on Instagram, and her desserts look too good to be true. Matcha is one of the main ingredients in many of her recipes, and we’re bringing you five that will rock your world.

Matcha Pancakes

If you’re a huge fan of pancakes searching for new healthy recipes, this one’s a perfect fit. You can make it 100% plant-based by using soy milk and dairy-free yogurt.

Matcha Madeleines

Madeleines are one of the most underrated French pastries, and matcha powder made out of processed green tea leaves will give them amazing green shade.

Raw Matcha Cheesecake Bites

If you’re a huge fan of no-bake recipes, these cheesecake bites are a dream come true. They contain several delicious, healthy ingredients, including dates, almonds, and coconut oil.

Matcha Cookies

Are you hosting a tea party and looking for a perfect dessert to serve with your green tea? These tasty matcha cookies are the best possible option, especially if you get creative decorating them.  

Matcha Tea Cakes

Speaking of a tea party, these matcha tea cakes are just as delicious as the cookies and they’ll impress your guests even more.