5 Classic Cooking-Themed Movies You Have to Watch

Amy Adams in
Amy Adams in "Julia & Julia"

Movies and food have a special connection and these classic films will leave you hungry and inspired to get in the kitchen. 

Julie & Julia, 2009

The plot follows two heroines living in different times. The legendary chef Julia Child, portrayed by Meryl Streep, and a modern-day food blogger, Julie Powell, played by Amy Adams, are both passionate about French cooking.

Ratatouille, 2007

In this heartwarming Pixar animation, a rat named Remy dreams of becoming a renowned chef in Paris. Ratatouille is all about following your passion, no matter the obstacles.

Chef, 2014

Chef tells the story of a talented but frustrated chef who is on the journey of rediscovering his passion and reconnecting with his true identity as a chef. This uplifting movie will leave your mouth watering for the perfect Cuban sandwich. 

Burnt, 2015

In Burnt, Bradley Cooper plays a talented but troubled chef who’s determined to achieve a third Michelin star. The film gives a behind-the-scenes look at the high-pressure world of fine dining. 

Like Water for Chocolate, 1992

This magical realist film is based on the popular novel of the same name. Like Water for Chocolate is a love story deeply intertwined with cooking where each dish Tita prepares is a symbol of her emotions.