4 Ways to Make Your Diet a Little More Mediterranean

Greek salad with tomatoes and feta cheese
Photo by Loes Klinker on Unsplash

Mediterranean cuisine is rich in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, herbs, and seafood, and it’s definitely one of the healthiest diets in the world. Here’s how you can make your diet a bit more Mediterranean in the future.

Turn to Plant-Based Foods

The first and most important step towards eating more like people in the Mediterranean is to incorporate more plant-based foods into your diet. For example, try to eat a small salad with every meal and make a meatless meal every other day.

Use Olive Oil

Avoid using vegetable oil or butter and switch to olive oil because it’s super healthy and great for making salads, fish, salad dressings, dips, and more.

Cut Down on Sugar

Mediterranean diet is rich in fresh produce like fruits and vegetables, and very low in sugar. That’s why it’s best to avoid sugary drinks or high-sugar desserts and enjoy more fresh fruit instead.

Don’t Avoid Fats

There’s a common nutrition myth that all fats are unhealthy and can make us fat, but that’s simply not true. Olive oil, eggs, avocado, and fatty fish are all high-fat foods, but also staples in the Mediterranean diet so don’t feel guilty for eating them.