4 Ways to Elevate Sparkling Water

Sparkling water is a great refreshing alternative to soda and even though there are tons of sparkling waters on the market, it’s super easy to make your own at home. By just adding a few ingredients, you can take the drink up a notch. Here are four ways to make sparkling water tastier.

Fresh Fruits and Herbs

Fresh fruits and herbs will enhance your drink. Try adding strawberries and mint or citrus and rosemary. If you’re not into herbs, just add berries into your sparkling water.


Fruit juice may seem healthy, but it’s packed with calories. If you still want fruit juice, but are trying to stick to a diet, mix a one-to-one ratio of your favorite juice with sparkling water.



Lemonade has a lot of added sugar, so mix it with a one-to-one ratio with sparkling water to cut down on the sugar.


Sparkling water pairs perfectly with tequila, lime, and orange juice or in spicy margaritas. Or you can make a classic, refreshing gin and tonic with it.
