4 Top Tips for Chopping Onions

Image by Marco Costanzi from Pixabay

Onions serve as the base food for dishes all over the world. This means if you’re cooking, chances are you’re going to need to work with them.

But onions are notoriously tricky and can be quite annoying to prepare when you’re first starting out. Here are 4 top tips that will have you chopping onions like a pro.

Chop the Stalk

Onion skin can sometimes be hard to peal off. This can get messy, make your eyes water or lose you time. A quick way to make an inroad on the skin is to nip off the stalk at the top of the onion. From there, you can peel the skin off nicely in big sheets.

Wear Goggles

It might sound a bit over the top, but if you wear a pair of swimming goggles, the onions will not make your eyes water. The benefit of doing this is not only it saves your eyes the discomfort, but also it allows you to chop the onions quicker and more precisely. This can be important if your cooking a high intensity dinner.

Don’t Cut the Center

After cutting the onion in half, make sure not to further cut the center of the onion. This is because the center helps the onion maintain its structure, and it is also the part that makes your eyes water the most.

Finely Chop Crossways

Finely chop across each half of the onion in a crisscrossing motion, making sure not to cut the center.