4 No-Bake Desserts That Don’t Require an Oven

Photo by Obed Hernández on Unsplash

These sweet treats are impossible to burn because they don’t require cooking at all. Whether you’re hosting a party or are looking for a quick craving fix, you will love these no-bake desserts.

Strawberry Cheesecake

Cheesecakes require no cooking whatsoever. For the crust, you just need to crush up cookies and mix them together in a bowl with butter. For the filling, it’s a matter of mixing together cream cheese with sugar and then adding whatever fruit you want to finish.

Peanut Butter No-Bake Cookies

For no-bake peanut butter cookies, all you have to do is mix smooth peanut butter in a bowl with oats and sugar. It’s then a case of boiling milk in a pan and then mixing the mixtures together, rolling it into small balls and then leaving them to cool.

Icebox Cakes

Icebox cakes are great as they are simple but can be easily personalized and embellished for impressive finishes. It’s a case of freezing thick cream after you’ve added whatever you want (we recommend raspberries and dark chocolate) and then stacking the cream between wafers to create a cake.

Eton Mess

Eton Mess is a British summertime classic. It’s case of crushing meringues, folding in cream and then adding chopped strawberries and any other fruits you like for a delicious combination.