4 Kitchen Hacks That Will Transform Your Cooking

Cooking tips
Photo by Maarten van den Heuvel on Unsplash

Cooking is all about confidence. Once you know how to do the basic things well, you can keep growing and growing. But it’s not always clear exactly what those basics are. If you don’t have time to make silly mistakes, how are you ever going to learn them? Here are a few simple cooking hacks that will help you cut corners without losing quality.

Use a Sharp Knife

The worst cuts are not caused by sharp knives—they’re caused by blunt ones. Blunt knives don’t cut smoothly and they have a tendency to slip. Use a sharp knife and not only will your food be much better prepared, but you are far less likely to hurt yourself doing it.

Quick Custard

If you need to make quick custard for a dessert but you just don’t have time, never fear! Simply melt some vanilla ice cream and warm it up. And there you have it, tasty custard. The ingredients are just the same—eggs, sugar, cream, and vanilla.

Use the Right Oil

Ordinary olive oil is the best for cooking. Virgin olive oil or extra-virgin, is best used for dressing salads, making dressings, and dipping bread.

Look After Your Salad

If you’re dressing a salad, always make sure that you mix vinegar or lemon with oil before you apply it to the salad. Otherwise, the acid will spoil the leaves and the taste.