4 Awesome Storage Tips That’ll Make Your Food Last Longer

Food storage tips
Photo by Ello on Unsplash

We all hate it when we have to throw away a food item because it had gone bad before we had a chance to eat it. But this is easily avoidable by making sure the food is stored correctly. The storing process is extremely important when it comes to food management, and doing this step properly will help you avoid unnecessary food waste. So let’s check out several awesome storage tips that will make your food last longer!

Store Your Herbs in Water

The best way to keep your cilantro, parsley, and other herbs fresh is to treat them like flowers. So next time you buy a batch of herbs, trim their stems a bit and put them in a glass of water. Place the glass in the fridge, and you’ll be surprised how long they’ll last.

Dairy Products Should Go in the Back of the Fridge

We all keep our milk, yogurts, and puddings in the fridge door since this is the most convenient place. But you might want to change this routine.

Dairy products stored this way will spoil faster because the temperature in the fridge doors is higher than in the rest of the fridge. This is why it’s recommended to keep dairy items in the back of the fridge, because it’s coldest there.

Freeze Bread and Baked Products

We know that this sounds a bit extreme, but the best way to keep bread and baked products is to freeze them. This will enable you to keep them fresh and will prevent molding.

If you don’t want to wait for defrosting, you can also place bread and baked products in the fridge. While they might get stale this way, just toast or warm them to get back the taste.

Solving the Fruit and Veggies Storage Equation

It’s tempting to put all the fruit and veggies you bought in the fridge, but this isn’t always the best way to go. Bananas, peaches, avocados, potatoes, onions, and tomatoes will all keep their qualities longer if you store them in a dark pantry or leave them at room temperature.

You also need to pay attention to how you group your items. For example, potatoes and onions shouldn’t be stored together, as they emit gasses that cause them to spoil each other quickly.