3 Ways to Spruce Up Store-Bought Pasta Sauce

Photo by Aleksandra Tanasiienko on Unsplash

Whether you’re planning a dinner party for a large group of people or just want to prepare a small meal for yourself, you can’t go wrong with some classic spaghetti. To save time and simplify clean up, store-bought sauce is one of our favorite shortcuts, but sometimes we find it a little bit lacking. To add flavor and make it more filling, here are some of our favorite ways to spruce it up.

Fresh Herbs

Even if it already contains certain herbs, tossing a handful of fresh herbs into the mix can add brightness to your sauce and make it feel less store-bought. Just chop about a cup of fresh basil, oregano, or parsley and sauté in a little olive oil for 30 seconds to a minute. Stir in your sauce and heat through before serving. You can also experiment with different herb combinations until you find one that suits your taste.

Mushroom “Meat”

If you’re looking to bulk up your sauce with some heartier ingredients, mushrooms are an inexpensive option that will also give it a deep umami flavor. Sauté a mix of diced mushrooms, such as cremini or shiitake, with a splash of olive oil until they release their moisture and become golden brown, then add them to the sauce and serve as a plant-based alternative to bolognese.

Mixed Veggies

For picky and health-conscious eaters alike, mixing chopped veggies into your pasta sauce is a great way to pack in some extra nutrition. Bell peppers, zucchini, and cherry tomatoes are all nutrient-dense options that are mild in flavor and will therefore blend seamlessly into most store-bought sauces. Chop them up, sauté until tender, and stir into your pasta, or use an immersion blender to create a silky smooth sauce.