3 Ways to Make Bananas Last Longer

Nobody really likes brown bananas, right? There are several ways to keep your bananas fresh longer and today we’re sharing three that work like a charm.

Hang Them

Banana stands aren’t just meant to look nice in your kitchen. There’s actually a scientific reason to hang your bananas on a hook—ethylene, a gas that starts releasing after bananas are picked from the tree, works more slowly when you hang them. Ethylene is responsible for ripening the bananas so this will keep them fresh longer.

Buy Them Green

This is kind of obvious, but if you buy greener bananas, they will take a longer time to ripen which means they will survive at your home longer. This will, of course, depend on your plans with the bananas when you’re grocery shopping. You can also buy some green and some ripe and have one or two perfectly ready every day.

Refrigerate Ripe Bananas

Bananas in the fridge? You probably don’t think that’s such a good idea, and it’s not when they are still green. But once they are ripe, keeping them in the fridge can prevent them from getting even riper and it can extend their shelf-life for a few more days.