3 Ways to Fall in Love With Okra

Photo by Sujeeth Potla on Unsplash

Okra is one of those vegetables that people either love or hate. If you’ve never heard of the slimy green pod, it is a flowering plant which is part of the mallow family and is sometimes called ladies’ fingers due to its shape. Although okra is an acquired taste and texture, it’s versatility makes it a feature in many West African, Ethiopian, and South Asian dishes. Here are three ways to enjoy the unusual veggie. 

Grill It

Okra is a great vegetable for grilling, making it a healthy and delicious addition to any barbecue. Just brush it with a little bit of olive oil, sprinkle on some salt and pepper, and place it on the grill until tender.

Pickle It

Pickled okra is a popular snack in the American South due to its tangy crunch. Place sliced okra into a jar with some vinegar, salt, and spices, and let it sit in the fridge for a few days.

Make Gumbo

Thanks to its reputation as a thickening agent, okra is a key ingredient in gumbo. The spicy Cajun stew is the official food of Louisiana and is perfect for cold weather. Along with other vegetables like onions and bell peppers, okra adds a unique flavor and texture to this hearty dish which goes well with rice.