3 Ways Blueberries Can Improve Your Health

Photo by Joanna Kosinska on Unsplash

Summer is finally here and that means that blueberry season has officially started! Blueberries are delicious and perfect for making many treats like pie, jam, or ice-cream, but did you know they’re also great for your health? Here’s how your health improves when you eat blueberries.

Better Memory

Blueberries contain anthocyanin, a type of antioxidant that gives them blue color. Studies like this one have shown that anthocyanin in blueberries improves brain functions—the elderly subjects performed better in memory tests after drinking blueberry juice for 12 weeks.

Brighter Mood

Although the act of eating blueberries can make you happier, that’s not what we’re talking about. A 2017 study showed that those who consumed blueberries have experienced mood improvement two hours later, so it’s definitely a good idea to add some of them into your morning oatmeal!

Healthier Heart

This study showed a link between eating foods that contain anthocyanin—like blueberries—and a lower risk of a heart attack. Isn’t that a perfect reason to always keep some blueberries in the fridge?