3 Useful Tips for Making Your Banana Bread a Little Bit Healthier

Banana bread
Photo by Cody Chan on Unsplash

Banana bread experienced a huge boom in the past few years and there’s only one downside to eating it. This baked treat tends to be pretty high in carbs, sugar, and fat, but you can make it a little bit better by making these three tiny, but significant changes.

Basic Ingredients

Despite being high in carbs, you should keep bananas in your bread because they come with many other redeeming qualities. White flour, on the other hand, is best replaced with healthier alternatives, such as almond and oat flour. You can also replace butter with refined oils, or go for applesauce if you want to avoid them both.

Natural Sweeteners

If your banana bread recipe calls for added sugar, try to reduce the amount you’re using or look for healthier alternatives. Honey, maple syrup, and dates are some of the popular natural sweeteners that you can use instead of sugar.

Additional Ingredients

Once you master the basic recipe, you’ll be tempted to start experimenting with your banana bread and add other ingredients to the mix. Chocolate banana bread is the most popular variety, and if you’re making it, try to replace chocolate chips with cacao. Also, consider opting for healthier add-ins, such as nuts, seeds, and fruits.