3 Unusual Spices to Store in Your Pantry

Photo by Ratul Ghosh on Unsplash

Spices are, well, the spice of life. Nothing transforms a dish as easily or instantly as a few sprinkles of cumin or a teaspoon of turmeric. Each continent has its own range of spices that help bring its dishes to life, no matter where in the world they are being cooked. Here are some staples to keep in your pantry that may be a little off the beaten track, but that will take your food to new flavor heights. 


If you want to add a citrusy zing to your dish, sumac is the perfect way to do it. The vibrant red spice has a lemony flavor that pairs excellently with cumin, allspice, and chili. Sumac can be included in marinades but is also sumptuous in salads. 


Although terribly bitter if eaten raw, fenugreek seeds possess a sweet, nutty flavor similar to burnt sugar when cooked. They are a favorite in curries and other saucy dishes. Plus, fenugreek has a host of health benefits like lowering blood sugar levels and increasing breast milk production. 


A favorite in Middle Eastern cuisine, za’atar is reminiscent of oregano in its look and taste. The dried form of the herb is often mixed with other elements like dried thyme and marjoram, sumac, sesame seeds, and salt to create a fragrant blend that is delicious with chicken and fabulous sprinkled over hummus.