3 Unexpected Foods to Put in Your Air Fryer

Air fryer
Image via leungchopan/Depositphotos

In this day and age, having an air fryer means that you can officially call yourself an adult. It gives you so many options to prepare healthy food and act responsibly towards your health. If you’re out of ideas about what to do with yours, here are some unusual foods you can air fry.

Hard-Boiled Eggs

Nine minutes in the air fryer is enough to get soft-boiled eggs, and you’re going to need 13 minutes for hard-boiled eggs. If you’ve never been keen on heating water on the stove and waiting for the eggs to boil in it, this may change your breakfast routine and your life.

Frozen Meals

Preparing dinner when you get home and you’re super tired from work has never been easier! If you have a batch of frozen gnocchi or pizza rolls, an air fryer can have them ready in 5-15 minutes. That’s quicker than any delivery service, and without any real effort from you.


If you’ve been looking for a way to make perfectly textured bacon without creating a mess in the kitchen, try an air fryer. Frying bacon on the stovetop can get messy and even burn your hands, but this approach provides perfect taste and texture without the risk of injury and the tedious clean-up afterward.