3 Times You Should Eat Carrots with Their Skin On

Photo by Harshal S. Hirve on Unsplash

Some people never feel the need to peel their carrots, while others prefer getting rid of the skin because it tends to have a bitter taste. No matter which group you belong in, there are instances when there’s really no need to peel the carrots—including these three.


Peeling your carrots before juicing them is waste of time and good nutrients. As long as you wash and scrub your carrots properly, it’s totally safe to juice them with their skin on since it allows you to get every last drop of healthy nutrients contained in their skin.

Soups and Stews

Carrots also don’t necessarily have to be peeled when you’re using them in soups and stews. Whether you’re making carrot purée or cutting your carrots into chunks before mixing them up with other ingredients, peeling them won’t make much difference.

Roasted Carrots

A good wash is all you need when it comes to roasted carrots. Why waste your energy on getting rid of their skin when they’re going to get rich flavor after being roasted in the oven? They’ll taste so good it will be impossible to tell if they’ve been peeled or not.