3 Things You Can Do With a Cast Iron Skillet

Cast iron skillet. A kitchen must-have.
Photo by Anshu A on Unsplash

You’ve probably heard that a cast iron skillet is pretty much a must-have kitchen tool, but they’re also pretty pricy and require some work to take care of. So is it worth it? You bet. They’re actually much more versatile than you’d realize. Here are just three of the many things you can do with a cast iron pan.


Pretty much anything you can bake on an oven sheet, you can bake in a cast iron skillet. We’re talking breads, cinnamon rolls, biscuits, and even cookies. It makes things turn out both chewy and crispy in a way that is just too delicious to believe. Plus, you can make a gigantic cookie. What’s better than that?

Make Eggs

Some people might tell you that you can’t make eggs in a cast iron pan and that you should use non-stick instead, but that’s not true. All you have to do is use plenty of oil or butter to prevent sticking. But, it’s okay, it just makes the flavor even better.


It’s not just eggs you can fry in your cast iron skillet. You can also make latkes, fried fish, schnitzel: it all turns out crispy and perfect, and it seasons your cast iron while you’re at it, too.