3 Reasons Why You Should Try Making Homemade Mayonnaise

Mayonnaise in a bowl
Photo by Sara Cervera on Unsplash

It’s almost impossible to name a condiment more versatile and popular than mayonnaise. Its creamy texture is impossible to resist and you can use it in everything from sandwiches to salads. If you haven’t tried making homemade mayo, now’s the time to give it a shot because it comes with a long list of amazing benefits.

Unhealthy Properties

Despite its delicious taste, mayo is one of the unhealthiest foods on the market. In addition to being a calorie bomb, this beloved condiment is also brimming with saturated fat and can contain artificial flavorings, so it’s best replaced with a homemade version.

Total Control

Making homemade mayo leaves you in total control of the ingredients being used. The easiest way to get it done is to switch up your oil and opt for reduced-fat oils, such as olive oil, canola oil, and avocado oil. Since most mayo recipes call for 70-80% oil, this switch-up will make a huge difference.

Go Vegan

One of the most significant downsides of homemade mayo is the use of raw eggs and they must be pasteurized to make this condiment safe. This issue can be avoided altogether if you decide to ditch eggs and opt to make vegan mayo instead.