3 Reasons for Cooking With a Wooden Spoon

Variety of wooden spoons
Photo by Gaelle Marcel on Unsplash

Many of the things that make our lives easier on a daily basis are nowadays made of plastic. Unfortunately, plastic is bad for the environment. That’s why, whenever we can, we try to choose tools and utensils made of natural materials, and wooden spoons are one of the best examples. They look nice and inspire us to cook more often, and here are three reasons why you should use wooden spoons for cooking.


There’s no risk of burning your hand on a hot wooden spoon like there is when you’re using metal utensils. Wooden spoons can be left in the pot or on its side and you can use them for any food you want, no matter how hot it gets during cooking.


You can get a couple of wooden spoons and be covered for years. They are durable, won’t break easily, and it’s easy to keep them clean. Just don’t put them in the dishwasher as they may lose shape!

No Scratching

If you have non-stick pots and pans that you care about, stirring the food with a wooden spoon won’t scratch them. Metal spoons and spatulas can easily ruin your dishes, but wooden spoons are soft enough to do the job with no consequences.