3 of the Healthiest Porridge Toppings Out There

Photo by Susan Wilkinson on Unsplash

When it comes to porridge toppings, not all are made equal. Everyone has their favorite combos, and what works for one person doesn’t for another. However, when it comes to the nutritional benefits of toppings, some consistently come out on top. If you want to maximize the health benefits of your morning porridge, check out these three super healthy toppings.

Cacao Nibs

Pure cacao nibs contain no sugar, but deliver an incredible hit of magnesium and copper, two minerals which can be hard to come by. They also provide fiber, helping you to stay full for longer, and count as a plant-based food. Recent guidance suggests we should be aiming to eat 30 different plants a week, so your morning bowl of porridge can be a great way to up this.

Red Berries

Whether you opt for raspberries, blueberries, goji, or something else, including some red or dark berries on your porridge will deliver an essential dose of antioxidants and other vitamins that ensure healthy functioning of your brain, skin, and liver. Berries are also a great natural sweetener, reducing the amount of sugar or maple syrup you might add.

Nut Butter

Almond, peanut, hazelnut—whichever you choose, all of these nut butters are providing you with essential healthy fats (keeping you fuller for longer), protein, and a variety of essential nutrients including calcium and folate. Including a nut butter can also make the overall porridge more satisfying, reducing the risk of mid-morning snacking.