3 Mistakes You Should Avoid When Boiling Your Easter Eggs

Photo by Karolina Bobek ✌ on Unsplash

Dying your Easter eggs is all fun and games, but you also want them to be perfectly boiled since someone’s going to end up eating them afterward. Here’s a couple of mistakes you should avoid if you want your eggs to taste and look good at the same time.

No Cracks

Be extremely careful when placing your eggs inside a pot and pick the one where they all fit perfectly, so they wouldn’t be bumping into each other. This is the best way to avoid cracks so the dye wouldn’t creep under the surface and ruin your eggs.

Older Eggs

It’s always a good idea to buy your eggs about a week before you’re planning to dye them. Peeling eggs can be a nightmare, especially when they’re fresh, and going with eggs that are a little bit older will make the whole process less frustrating.

Don’t Forget Vinegar

There’s no need to add vinegar to the water when you’re boiling eggs on a regular basis, but it comes in handy once you add dye to the mix. The acidity of the vinegar makes dye more effective and allows it to truly stick to the eggshells.