3 Green Veggies That Are Simply Divine

Photo by Louis Hansel on Unsplash

The stereotype is that when we were kids, green vegetables were about as gross as they come. The truth is that this might have been the case for some kids, but there are countless others who welcomed those healthy treats with open arms. This isn’t intended to be a shaming exercise, rather a way for us to show that green vegetables can actually be very tasty—and here are our three favorites.


It doesn’t get any better than broccoli. Steam it, fry, roast ’em in the oven, these babies are just delicious. As kids, we thought of them as tasty little trees. How fun is that?


Asparagus is a bit of a “fancy green veggie” that tends to be served with some of the most advanced dishes out there. When it’s roasted, topped with some basic seasonings, it’s about as good as it comes when dealing with veggies.

Brussels Sprouts

Brussels Sprouts is probably the first vegetable that comes to mind when people stereotype green veggies that nobody wanted to eat as kids. But similar to broccoli and asparagus, it’s a tasty little bundle of joy when roasted and seasoned with love.