3 Great Coffee Spots in Bali, Indonesia

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Bali, Indonesia, is not just a haven for beach lovers and culture enthusiasts but also a paradise for coffee aficionados. Known for producing some of the world’s most unique and high-quality coffee beans, Bali’s coffee scene is as rich and diverse as its landscape. From aromatic local blends to expertly crafted brews, here are three must-visit coffee spots in Bali.

Expat Roasters

Expat Roasters, situated in bustling Seminyak, is the brainchild of an Australian expatriate and a local team passionate about quality coffee. This café-cum-roastery focuses on sustainable sourcing from local farmers and serves expertly crafted espresso-based drinks and filter coffee. The sleek, minimalist decor complements the serious coffee-making happening on-site, making it a favorite among locals and tourists alike.

Seniman Coffee

Located in the heart of Ubud, Seniman Coffee is more than a coffee shop; it’s a celebration of coffee culture. Known for its artisanal approach, Seniman uses beans from across Indonesia, offering a diverse range of flavors. The shop’s cozy and creative ambiance, complete with upcycled furniture, makes it a perfect spot for both coffee enthusiasts and casual sippers. Don’t miss their signature iced coffee and a tour of their roasting facility.

The Coffee Library

The Coffee Library in Kuta stands out with its charming book-themed decor, creating a cozy retreat for book lovers and coffee enthusiasts. Here, coffee is an art form, with each cup brewed to perfection using the finest Balinese beans. Their extensive menu offers a variety of coffee drinks, including traditional Balinese brews, and the serene atmosphere provides a tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle of the city.