3 Drink Trends to Sip On in 2022

Bottled cocktails
Photo by Bottled Bar on Unsplash

Everyone is talking about leading food trends that we’ll be seeing everywhere in 2022, but how about drinks? The new year will introduce us to many trendy beverages we’ve never tried before and here are three that you should sip on sooner than later.

Alcohol-Free Spirits

Boozeless beverages have been on the rise as of late and they’ll be going stronger than ever in 2022. Ghia, Figlia, and Amass are only some of the companies putting alcohol-free spirits on the map and they’re set to shake up the mocktail scene in the year to come.

Bottled Cocktails

If you don’t feel like going to a crowded bar every time you fancy a cocktail, we’ve got some good news for you. Canned and bottled cocktails save you the trouble of making a cocktail on your own, and they’re equally delicious as the real thing.

Potato Milk

Plant-based milks have been all the rage in the past few years and 2022 is bringing another one our way. Potato milk will follow in the footsteps of soy and almond milk and become a huge hit with vegans. The food company DUG is putting it on the map and they’re promising it’s the most sustainable option on the market.