3 Common Mistakes You’re Making When Boling Corn

Photo by Virgil Cayasa on Unsplash

Corn on the cob is one of the most popular summer snacks, and it’s extremely easy to make… or is it? If your corn isn’t as soft and tasty as you want it to be, here’s a couple of boiling mistakes you’re probably making.  

Not Salting the Water

Most people only season their corn once it’s done cooking, but adding a bit of salt into the pot beforehand is always a good idea. The corn will absorb the salt, and itlll bring out their flavor, without making them too salty.

Overcooking Your Corn

Cooking your corn for too long will do it more harm than good. Your water should already be boiling before you put the corn in, and it should only take 5-10 minutes to cook properly.


Removing the Husk

Most recipes for corn on the cob recommend removing the husk before putting corn in the boiling water, but this isn’t necessary. By leaving the husk on, you’re speeding up the cooking process and you’ll end up with surprisingly tender corn.