3 Common Mistakes That You’re Probably Making with Protein Shakes

Strawberry protein shake
Photo by PhotoMIX Company from Pexels

If you feel like you’re missing protein in your life, you may be tempted to reach your daily goal by adding protein shakes to your diet. They can do you a lot of good, as long as you’re not making these common mistakes with them.

Protein Choice

The protein powder you’re choosing can make or break your shake, and the ones that contain preservatives, artificial sweeteners, fructose, and other sugars are best avoided. It’s also important to add other sources of protein to your shake whenever possible instead of solely relying on protein powder.

Using Sugar

A protein shake may not be as sweet and delicious as your regular milkshake, but that’s exactly the point. If you’re adding too much sugar or other artificial sweeteners to a protein shake, you’ll be doing yourself more harm than good. Try to stick to natural sweeteners and low-sugar impact ingredients instead.

Full Meal

A lot of people tend to replace full meals with protein shakes, but this isn’t the best idea. Even if your protein shakes are filling enough, it’s not filled with all the nutrients that your body is craving, and you’ll miss out on the nutritional value of whole foods if you drink them all the time.