3 Cereals That Are Less Healthy Than You Think

Photo by Amanda Belec on Unsplash

Cereal is one of the most commonly eaten breakfasts in the entire world. In fact, there’s an entire industry relegated around the mass production of cereals, from the healthiest varieties to the sugar-pumped versions that probably make kids way more hyper than they need to be at seven in the morning. This brings us to our next point, which is that there are some cereals that are much less healthy than you think. Here are three of them.

Honey Nut Cheerios

Regular Cheerios claim to be part of a well-balanced diet, and they aren’t lying. Regular Cheerios, the kind without any added flavors, is actually a pretty healthy cereal. But don’t fall for the trap that Honey Nut Cheerios is the same, because it’s got plenty of more added sugar.

Cinnamon Life

Life—the cereal, not the real thing—gives off this vibe that it’s wholesome and healthy. While the regular Life Cereal is somewhat healthy, Cinnamon Life isn’t so much so. And let’s be real, Cinnamon Life is definitely the tastier one, so that’s a bummer.

Cracklin’ Oat Bran

Anything with the words “oat bran” in the title sounds like it must be pretty darn healthy, right? Turns out that this isn’t exactly true. In fact, one website put this cereal on their list of “Unhealthiest Cereals of All Time.”