2 Cereals That are Super Healthy

Photo by John Matychuk on Unsplash

There’s nothing like a good old-fashioned bowl of cereal to get your day started. If you’re trying to eat healthily, there are plenty of healthy cereal options out there, but don’t be swayed by the brands that claim to have healthy cereal, when that’s actually far from the case. If you want to eat cereal that’s truly good for you, be shrewd with your research. Here are two healthy kinds of cereal to get you started.

Shredded Wheat

One of the healthiest cereals you can eat is Shredded Wheat. Whether you like the kind that comes with a big piece that you have to tear apart in the bowl, or the type that comes with a bunch of smaller pieces (like most cereals), it really doesn’t matter. They’re all pretty healthy, full of fiber, and have great nutrition. Oh yeah, and it also happens to taste delicious.

Cheerios (Original Flavor)

Pay close attention to what we wrote in the parentheses above. Cheerios are indeed a very healthy cereal if you actually buy the original kind. That means not Honey Nut, not Cinnamon, not Frosted, not Apple Cinnamon, or any of the other varieties that they promote. Those are loaded with sugar, and you really won’t get a truly healthy experience unless you get the original, which is also very tasty.