You Need These Affordable, Delicious Trader Joe’s Spices

Bagel seasoning
Photo by Diane Alkier on Unsplash

If you want to dive into the world of culinary with simplicity, flavors at your fingertips, and ease, Trader Joe’s has a reputation for offering some of the best seasonings without the hefty price tag. Whether you’re a seasoned chef or just getting started in your kitchen, here are some essentials from Trader Joe’s spice rack that you shouldn’t miss.

Everything But The Bagel

True to its name, this seasoning captures the essence of your favorite bagel. A delightful blend of sesame seeds, sea salt, garlic, and onion, it’s a versatile choice that elevates avocados, eggs, and even salads.

Chili Lime

Infusing the tang of lime with the heat of chili, this seasoning is the zesty kick your dishes have been waiting for. It’s perfect for sprinkling on fruits, rimming cocktail glasses, or spicing up grilled meats.

Green Goddess

A tantalizing mix of basil, chives, garlic, and parsley, the Green Goddess seasoning captures the freshness of a garden in a bottle. It’s a wonderful complement to salad dressings, marinades, or simple vegetable dishes.

Citrusy Garlic

A burst of lemon and a hint of garlic come together in this blend. Whether it’s seafood, chicken, or roasted veggies, this seasoning promises to be a game-changer. Pro tip? Use it in a morning hash!