You Don’t Have to Be “Pro” to Share Cooking Tips Online

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Photo by charlesdeluvio on Unsplash

In the old days, it used to be that you needed to be a five-star chef to be taken seriously as a mentor. It used to be that the ones who wrote cookbooks were also the ones who had cooking channels and owned restaurants. Nowadays, things couldn’t be more important. Here’s why you don’t necessarily need to be a pro chef to give cooking tips online.

Everyone’s a Star

In the modern age of social media, platforms are designed in such a way that everyone’s essentially a star. Users are encouraged to speak their mind, to share their truth, to post beautiful pictures of their various food creations, and of course—to share cooking tips. This means that even if you’re just starting out, you can still share a small idea if it comes to your head. Hey, if you think it’ll help people, why not share it?

No One’s Perfect

Another thing to mention is that no one’s perfect. Sure, the professionals are a lot closer to perfect than the rest of us, but even they have their various flaws and opinions. The point is, you can still establish yourself as a personality online even if you don’t have everything figured out just yet.