Why Cereal is One of the Worst Breakfast Foods

Reasons why cereal isn't good for you
Photo by Etienne Girardet on Unsplash

Cereal is one of the most popular breakfast foods in the world, despite the fact that it’s not always really healthy and nutritious. How can this be? Can this really be true? Indeed it is, and here’s exactly why you should probably avoid eating cereal for breakfast.

Added Sugar

The main reason why cereal is usually so tasty and addictive is because it’s packed with added sugar. Starting your day with high-sugar foods is not the smartest choice because they cause your blood sugar to spike and will leave you more hungry, tired, and anxious. Also, consuming too much sugar can increase your risk for diabetes, obesity, and heart disease.

Refined Grains

Another bad thing about cereal is that it’s made of refined grains, which means they are stripped of nutrients and have little or no nutritional value.

It’s Low in Protein

Eating a high-protein meal for breakfast will give you plenty of energy for the day and will keep you full longer. The truth is that cereal is not a great source of protein, which is not surprising given that it’s mostly made from refined grains (as previously mentioned).

Portion Size

If you do, however, decide to eat cereal from time to time make sure to control your portions, because they’re packed with sugar and calories.