What to Do With Leftover July 4th Packaged Snacks

Photo by American Heritage Chocolate on Unsplash

If you threw a party or a classic 4th of July barbecue, you might now find you overshot when you went to buy your packages of chips, pretzels, and candy. And now, you have all these packaged snacks left over! Luckily packaged stuff lasts a long time–but if you’re looking for some ways to get rid of it, here are some ideas on using up those snacks!

Start a Snack Bowl

It sounds deceptively simple, but sometimes the best way to ensure food gets eaten—especially junk food—is simply to put it in front of people. If you don’t already have a snack bowl out on your living room table for guests and family to munch while they’re visiting or sitting, now is a perfect time to start one! It’s a nice piece of decor and will also make your home seem more welcoming.

Bake it Into Treats

Everyone knows that the only thing better than brownies…is brownies with candy or something salty baked in! More or less any snack will go great mixed into some brownie batter or cookie dough, so get baking!

Turn it Into Bread Crumbs

Especially when it comes to pretzels or chips, crushing up your salty snacks in a food processor (or even by hand) will make you some great bread crumbs to coat your next chicken or tofu meal, or to be mixed into your next casserole. Just put them in a sealed airtight bag and freeze them for later if you have too much!