What is the Secret of the Perfect Pancake Flip?

Pancake tips
Photo by nikldn on Unsplash

Everyone loves pancakes, and if you want to make delicious pancakes that work every time, you’ve got to make sure that you have the pancake flip locked down. It might sound easy, but those of you who have tried before will know that it can go horribly wrong. Upgrade your pancakes with these simple tips!

Medium Heat

The key to flipping a good pancake (and cooking one!) is to cook on medium heat. Make sure that the pan is not too hot. Otherwise, the pancake will stick to the bottom or burn. If this happens, the pancake is not going to flip and it will end up a sticky mess.

Make Sure The Pancake is Ready

Don’t flip too soon! The number one error to pancake flipping is going too early. Wait until all the bubbles have gone and the pancake looks flat. Check that the pancake is solid by sliding the spatula underneath.

Use A Spatula

Use a spatula, not a fork or a spoon or other cutlery. The spatula is just the right shape for it. Other implements tend to break the pancake. Make sure that the spatula is at the center of the pancake when you go to

Don’t Lift The Pancake Too High

Don’t lift the pancake up and throw it back down on the pan. Until they’re entirely cooked, pancakes are gentle and easily broken. Just use a soft flipping motion.