Watch Out For These Bad Cooking Habits

Photo by Chinh Le Duc on Unsplash

Let’s face it, we all make cooking mistakes. While some cooking mistakes can be easily fixed, they can become problematic when they turn into habits. Here’s are some bad cooking habits you need to unlearn right now.

Don’t heat up your pans

If you are used to heating up your pans, keep in mind that doing it makes it more difficult for you to achieve the right sear on your meats, which means you’re missing the complex flavors as well as the color and texture.

You under-seasoned your food

Yep, it’s all about salt. It’s good to be careful when adding salt to your food, but don’t be scared of salt. Sometimes we forget the importance of seasoning – and worse, sometimes we forget to taste as we go. Both are crucial for a delicious perfectly seasoned meal.

You don’t read the recipe

This is maybe one of the worst cooking habits out there. If you don’t read the recipes beginning to end, don’t be surprised when when you get half way through it and realize that you were supposed to so something yesterday as prep. There’s obviously no way to go back in time so make sure to read the recipe from top to bottom.